Invisible Bodies
Compositions by
Neo Hülcker and Roman Pfeifer
Premiere: 21./22. March 2025.

There is a group of psychologists in Vienna who research the snorting of horses. The psychologists are experts in deciphering blubber snorts, veto snorts, prusters, snorts (and many others) by ear and audiogram. They teach their principle of snort correspondence in an online course. From June 2024 to January 2025, I took part in the course and delved deeper and deeper into the acoustic subtleties of my pony Sami’s snorts. At the same time, I started further research and asked those around me about their horse experiences and, in particular, dreamed horse experiences. I became more and more interested in the actual interactions between horses and humans. Where do humans transfer their humanity onto horses? What do we project onto horses? Where is the difference between humans and horses? And what do they do in our dreams? All persons to be heard are FLINTA*.
Neo Hülcker
Neo Hülcker is a composer* and performer. His works move between music theater and performance and deal with digital practices (such as ASMR), childhood, animal-human relationships, queer modes of action and cultural hacking. He is a member of the Y-E-S collective, which publishes artistic works that deal with performativity, temporality, sound as a physical experience and cultural framings, among other things.
Website: www.neohuelcker.de.
With many thanks to: Lisa Fütterer, Armin Wieser, Elisabeth R. Hager, Alma Hager-Dombrowski, Flora Veit-Wild, Uli Schröder, Henry Wilde aka Antonia Baehr, Carola Schaal, Paul Hübner, Thies Diestelkamp, Lucien Danzeisen, Renate Deiml, Roswitha Zink and Sami
I am Radio
Everyone knows how birds sing, but very few people have heard the whistling of the magnetosphere. And although man pretends to have invented electricity, radio waves are natural phenomena generated by electrical storms, thunderstorms, solar winds and other astronomical phenomena. It was this sound world that the first radio listeners heard, decades before the actual radio was invented. This piece is about exploring radio for what it is: a simple tool to understand electromagnetism as nature, to consider it as a resource and to explore the aesthetic experience of electromagnetism as a descendant of the aeolian. “The sky is only an antenna with a wide range” (André Breton).
Roman Pfeifer, born in Freiburg in 1976, composes, stages, produces and researches. He works processually, incorporating sound, instrument, movement, voice, light, space and sight. Resonance and just intonation, scenography, speech synthesis and speaking instruments as well as the extended field of music are cornerstones of his compositional exploration. Roman Pfeifer lives and works in Cologne.
Bass clarinet: Heni Hyunjung Kim
Performance: Linda Nordström