Neue Klangkunst im DIALOGMUSEUM

The Out of Sight series is an audio theater for the DIALOGMUSEUM’s KlangRaum

The picture shows 5 figures in different colors on a black background. The figures have the colors blue (upper left corner), pink (lower left corner), orange (upper right corner), green (lower right corner, yellow (middle). The figures can be seen blurred through a transparent dynamic wave structure. In the middle is the logo “Out of Sight - New Sound Art at the DIALOGMUSEUM” in white lettering. The sound of the exhibition name is represented by white columns of different sizes.
Hannes Seidl presents the project

Internationally renowned artists and groups from the fields of theater, film and music are composing 12 exclusive works for Out of Sight for the DIALOGMUSEUM’s KlangRaum. It is about what cannot be seen as well as what is not seen. About not being able to see and not wanting to see, looking away, listening. The audience will be immersed in new worlds and listening together will become a theatrical experience – through purely acoustic stimuli.

The pieces deal with experiences of being blind, the invisible world of electromagnetic waves and “hearing” the world under water. They examine inner voices and outer conflicts, international catastrophes that we look away from and blind spots right on our doorstep. The works revolve around presence, the unreal and the real, always in an exchange between blind and sighted artists, for a greater understanding of each other and a barrier-free coexistence.

Curated by Hannes Seidl.

Out of Sight is a co-production of Hannes Seidl & Briefkastenfirma and the DIALOGMUSEUM Frankfurt, supported by the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main and the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.


Limited capacity. Participation only with ticket.*

25./26. October 2024
Matter of Facts, Untere Reklamationsbehörde, Marc Behrens, Lasse Marc Riek


14./15. Feburary 2025
U.a. mit “Superposition”

21./22. March 2025
Roman Pfeifer und Neo Hülcker

16./17. May 2025
Daniel Kötter und Christina Kubisch

27./28. June 2025
Andrea Neumann und Hanna Hartmann

*Admission to the premieres free of charge, afterwards audible on site at any time for € 3.00 per person/piece.

Thanks to the artists: Matter Of Facts Studio, Lasse-Marc Riek, Untere Reklamationsbehörde, Marc Behrens, Superposition, Hannes Seidl, Roman Pfeifer, Neo Hülcker, Christina Kubisch, Daniel Kötter, Andrea Neumann, Hanna Hartman.