Book launch

“How fascism works” by Jason Stanley on 1 July 2024, 7:00 pm

Book cover with the inscription: "Jason Stanley / How Fascism Works" in black letters.

Book launch and conversation with Jason Stanley
Moderation: Zachary Gallant
“How fascism works”
1 July 2024, 7.00 pm
Dialogue Museum, An der Hauptwache, B-level, escalator Roßmarkt,
60313 Frankfurt

Admission free / donation welcome, language: German

Please register at:

Fascist politics are on the rise again around the world: whether in the USA, Myanmar, India or in Europe and Germany, where – after the European elections – people are looking forward to the upcoming state elections with trepidation. In his internationally successful book How Fascism Works, which has just been published in German by Westend Verlag, Jason Stanley identifies ten pillars of fascist politics, whose history and frightening resurgence he traces. In conversation with Zachary Gallant, Jason Stanley discusses how to recognise fascist politics and resist its effects.

Jason Stanley is the Jacob Urowsky Professor of Philosophy at Yale University. His research focuses on epistemology, topics in linguistics, cognitive science and philosophy of language, and the theory of fascism. He writes for the New York Times, the Washington Post and The Chronicle of Higher Education, among others.

Zachary Gallant is programme director of Westend Academics and author of Entnazifiziert euch! As a journalist, he has reported on politics and corruption in the USA and the Balkans. He has lived in Germany since 2012, where he has implemented and organised numerous projects on refugee aid, intercultural understanding and climate justice with the support of the European Commission and the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.